City Budget

Welcome to the City of Polson’s Budget page! We are committed to promoting transparency and open communication with our residents and visitors. As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance public access to information, we are excited to introduce our new public view budget software.

At the City of Polson, we believe that an informed community is the cornerstone of a thriving municipality. We understand the importance of financial accountability and the need for our residents to have a clear understanding of how their tax dollars are being utilized. With this in mind, we have implemented this user-friendly budget software to provide you with a comprehensive and interactive view of our city’s financial activities.

Our “Public View” software is designed to empower you with access to budgetary information, allowing you to explore various aspects of our city’s financial management. Users can delve into detailed expenditure reports, revenue streams, and capital improvement projects. The software goes beyond mere numbers and spreadsheets; it provides visual representations and intuitive tools to simplify complex financial data. Through interactive charts, graphs, and customizable filters, you can easily navigate through budget categories, track historical trends, and compare current and past fiscal years.

To enter the Public View software, click the link below:

Public View