Mayor and City Commission

The Polson City Commission consists of a Mayor and six Commissioners elected from three wards -- two Commissioners from each ward.  At each biennial general election, three Commission positions are voted on, each for a four-year term. The Mayor is elected at large every four years.

The Polson City Commission meets every first and third Mondays (Wednesday, if the Monday falls on a holiday) of the month at 7:00 PM at City Hall, 106 1st Street East. Meetings are open to the public. 

The duties of the Mayor include:

  • The Mayor presides over deliberations of the Commission, preserves order, enforces Commission rules and determines the order of business under the rules; and
  • Is a voting member of the Commission.
  • Shall have no veto power and shall sign all ordinances passed by the Commission after their passing.
  • Appoints members of committees established by Commission.
  • Appoints other persons required by the Commission to be so appointed.